Today, 15 March, the Deputy Heads of Mission of the diplomatic missions accredited to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta were invited to the Magistral Villa on the Aventine for a presentation on the Order of Malta’s diplomatic and humanitarian activities.
The event was opened by Ambassador Stefano Ronca, who spoke about the characteristics of the Order’s diplomatic service and its priorities in the current international context.
In particular, he focused on two areas of interest for the Order of Malta, the interaction between religion and international affairs and the theme of migration as a global phenomenon.
This was followed by Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi, who spoke about the activities of the Order’s Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem.
Ivo Graziani, Head of Cabinet of the Office of the Grand Hospitaller, presented an overview of the Order of Malta’s humanitarian activities around the world. In particular, he illustrated to the delegations present the Order’s commitment in response to the war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Turkey and Syria and other humanitarian missions in geographical areas affected by various disasters.
More than a year after the start of the war in Ukraine, the Order continues to provide important support, both in the form of relief supplies, food rations, shelters, generators and winter kits, and in the form of psychological, medical and social aid.
In response to the earthquake in Turkey-Syria on 6 February 2023, the Order’s International Relief Agency and other Order Associations promptly mobilised numerous intervention teams.
Mention was also made of the long-term aid and assistance the Order provides to migrants, the elderly, the disabled, the homeless and other marginalised communities.
This vital work is made possible worldwide by the Order’s various hospitals, socio-medical centres and ambulance services.